Every now and then (sometimes even more often), it is so normal to need these little reminder. So I thought I would write this blog post in case you need this reminder today, or any other day - just come back to this and read it whenever you need the reminder.
Gorgeous, you're only human, and everyone has good and bad days. So firstly, don't be too hard on yourself if you haven't been feeling yourself lately or if you are feel like you especially need to hear these reminders at the moment.**
This is exactly why I am sharing this with you now…!
Of course, there might be times when you feel that you are having more good or bad days depending on what season you're in, or what's going on in your life.
In case no one has told you lately, no matter what your mind says, you are so enough and such a worthy person.
There is no amount of things you need to tick off a to-do list or prove in order to be worthy of the very things you crave.
And YOU, as you are RIGHT NOW, need to remember that:
- You are loved;
- You matter;
- You deserve to be happy;
- You are enough;
- Your wants and needs are valid;
- You deserve respect;
- You are so capable; and
- You get to change your mind at any time.
This is your permission to allow yourself to feel these things are true for YOU - because THEY ARE!
Every now and then I will have little (or sometimes big) low moments, and in those moments I have found it helpful to remind myself of these things. The thoughts you think have more power over you than you may think they do, and they have the power to shift your entire mindset if you choose to let them.
Now this is not to say that you shouldn’t feel how you feel - quite on the contrary actually!
It's super important to allow yourself to feel how you feel, but then to catch yourself when you feel yourself spiralling and affirm yourself with the above phrases to help remind yourself of just how amazing you are!
I hope this has been helpful for you if you have needed to hear these things today.
If you feel up to sharing, I'd love for you to share with me in the comments other affirmations/phrases that you use to affirm yourself when you're having a low moment or bad day - let's get a list going!!
Love always,
** Disclaimer: Please note this blog post is purely as a means of motivation and a personal thought diary. Please do not substitute this for professional medical and psychological advice. If you are feeling not yourself, or especially down at the moment, please seek appropriate medical/psychological advice and treatment to assist you.