So get your pen and paper ready to take it all in!
Tell the She Shows Up Community about yourself
Hi I'm Steph Pase a 32 year old entrepreneur who started my platform @justanothermummyblog from my lounge room floor feeding my first baby, Harper. Since then I have created a beautiful online community to whom I share all things organisation, health, mental health and just taking everyone along for the ride that is life.
I am a mother to two beautiful girls and wife to my hilarious hubby Ryan. in 2019 I started my brand Steph Pase Planners from my garage, where I create products to help people around the world to stop feeling like a slave to their home, lives and never-ending tasks. I have since upgraded from the garage to a warehouse with a team behind to help create magic my goal in life is to help educate and connect with women who I know can improve each area of their life with routines and meeting themselves with compassion.
How do you show up for yourself?
Personally showing up has meant different things throughout different stages of my life. I truly believe we go through seasons as humans. Sometimes that can be growth, rest or productivity. As a mum and business owner I find in order to show up for others I need to show up for myself first. This means prioritising self-care such as getting enough sleep, practising mindfulness, eating well, moving my body but also allowing time for fun. Also setting boundaries, not only with other people but learning to not take on too much (which can be hard for someone like myself who is so passionate 😅). This way I can feel energised to show up in my many roles.
What is your personal key to confidence?
I personally have always struggled with confidence and I truly feel like I didn't gain confidence in who I was as a person until I hit my 30's. I believe that understanding your beliefs and values is key to confidence. I can speak at an event and still be so nervous but confident in my messaging because I truly believe what I preach, and how I want to help others. Also being aware of your self-talk and ensuring it is positive, this is something I can really struggle with but being more aware can help so much.

What lessons have you learned about self love that you would share?
That self-love isn't about pampering yourself or even thinking you're the best out there. It is about meeting yourself with love and compassion on the days where showing up is all you can do. We all have days where we struggle and in the past I have been so hard on myself for not ticking all the boxes. Self love is understanding your personal and mental state and allowing yourself to do what is needed to rest and fill your cup up.
What is your top tip for maintaining a healthy mind and body?
My personal tips are eating well balanced meals, limiting alcohol, moving my body daily whether that's a walk or playing in the park with the kids. I am someone who suffers from anxiety so it is important I practise meditation, journaling and reading before bed to rest my mind from racing thoughts.
What is your favourite saying or quote?
You have survived 100% of your worst days, this too shall pass.
What is one thing you would say to the people in the SSU community to encourage them this week?
I know many people say "think of the big picture" but I want you to think of each tiny step you can take that in turn will help you achieve your goals. When we think of "all the things" we need to be doing it becomes overwhelming, and then we don't even start. So this week I want you to write down just two habits you can begin that will pave your path to big achievements. Remember the journey of a thousand miles started with a single step.
Now, give us your best pep talk on any topic
Being organised is a-lot like fitness; you can't workout once then stay fit, you need to make it a habit to sustain your fitness level. This is the same with organisation; you can't completely declutter and organise your home and expect it to stay that way. It is a practise that needs to become part of your daily routine. Spending just 5 minutes everyday decluttering a draw or bench is the key to keeping an organised space.
We absolutely loved Steph's outlook and pearls of wisdom, there is so much to take away from this interview and the rest of Stephs down-to-earth, relatable content at @justanothermummyblog.
To shop her range of organisation and stationary products go to Steph Pase Planners Website.